Friday, February 15, 2008

My new favorite beverage!

So I bought this drink at IrBen a local Asian goods and rentals place simply because it came with a toy. I tried it... it wasn't bad, I'd buy it again. Yadda yadda yadda... I was bored and decided to check out their website. Once I get there I was like WTF!? Their site prominently displays this ballet-dancing pic in a blue tie and pink blazer. It was one of the most bizarre things I've seen in a while...

This got me curiouser so I examined the toy I got with it. It had an unusual weight to it, and then I discovered it had magnets in it, so when you bring the pig closer to the bottle the bottle would then run away! This is when I decided Dakara would become my new favorite soft drink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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