Monday, August 30, 2004

Guilty Pleasures

No it's not a title to a porn movie (though it probably is), I'm talking about an activity, song, movie, etc. you take pleasure in but are too ashame to let anyone in on it. Everyone has them, everyone doesn't want to talk about them. But today, I'm going to share one of my guilty pleasures. Pleasure is oftened doubled when shared with others, no matter how few share the same interest. So what's there to lose?

Last week, I purchased on DVD a movie that was said to be "probably the most ridiculous film ever made". They're referring to the movie Xanadu, A 1980 musical-fantasy starring Olivia Newton-John as a heavenly muse sent to help open a roller disco. Yeah. When I first saw this movie as a kid, I thought it was magic. The music, the dancing, the glitz & glamour, the was enough for this wide-eyed filipino kid to fall in love. Back in the day, I'd watch that movie ad nauseam. Then times change and my interest waned, my taste grew, the beta gave way to VHS which gave way to DVD, soon Xanadu was lost to me. Until recently. It was at HMV at St. Vital Centre where I found they had the movie on sale, so I had to pick it up ASAP. It was like Christmas, opening up the plastic wrapping and popping the movie in. As I was watching it I came to the realization how bad the movie was, it was just cheesy! The plot, the acting, the special'd enough to make you cringe. Yet, there was still magic. Despite knowing all its faults, I was still eating it up. It's charm still had a hold on me after all these years.

So, there. I like Xanadu, through all its cheesy glory. Embarassing as it is, I put one of my guilty pleasures out there, and it felt good. You should do the same. So what's your guilty pleasure?

Olivia Newton-John & Gene Kelly - Whenever You're Away from Me


paningit said...

excuse me for asking.. and i don't mean any offense with this but.. are you gay?... olivia newton-john? xanadu?

Harold Bareng said..., I'm not and no offense taken. Once again my guilty pleasures has me misunderstood.